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On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Aapo Talvensaari
<> wrote:
> On 18 November 2015 at 15:55, Nereus <> wrote:
>> (...)
>> Is there a good tool I could use in Lua to parse HTML?
> I would recommend using HTML parser, such as this:

By the way, anyone here knows how to _use_ lua-gumbo?
I just tried again my scripts for downloading, compiling and
installing gumbo-parser and lua-gumbo, which are:

  rm -Rfv ~/usrc/gumbo-parser/
  cd      ~/usrc/
  git clone --depth 1

  cd ~/usrc/gumbo-parser/
  sh ./    2>&1 | tee oa
  ./configure        2>&1 | tee oc
  make               2>&1 | tee om
  sudo make install  2>&1 | tee omi

  rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/
  cd      ~/usrc/
  git clone --depth 1
  cd      ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/
  make              2>&1 | tee om
  make check        2>&1 | tee omc
  sudo make install 2>&1 | tee omi

and now the "make check" in lua-gumbo passes only 2 of the tests, and
fails the other 19 ones... anyway, I've never been able to use
lua-gumbo for even the simplest things, like extracting the title of
an HTML page...

  Cheers =),
    Eduardo Ochs