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On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 6:44 AM, Dimitris Papavasiliou <> wrote:
The problem is that OSX doesn't provide readline, it provides libedit instead, which is a BSD-based compatibility library.  It's not that compatible though.  For instance the global variable rl_completion_suppress_append is missing, hence the error.
If I set, either just HISTORY_DIR or both HISTORY_DIR and READLINE_DIR to /opt with:
$ sudo luarocks install luaprompt  HISTORY_DIR=/opt READLINE_DIR=/opt
I get a module linked correctly against my self-compiled libraries:

Yeah, it looks like I have to specify both the history and readline paths, to make sure I get the GNU libs across the board.

Lua versions 5.1 to 5.3 inclusive are supported, as is LuaJIT.

I have versions of luarocks built for 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 using versioned directory structures. Looks like on top of the configurations issue when building luaprompt, my install of luarocks-for-5.1 was a bit broken. I re-downloaded the package and built it from scratch, and using the directory flags I was able to install and test luaprompt in 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and jit.

Might be worth adding a note in the relevant section of the readme that both those flags may be required on OS X.

Thanks for your help. My REPL is finally sane across all versions of lua!

Brigham Toskin