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It was thus said that the Great Lionel Duboeuf once stated:
> hello you all,
> Just in case i'm doing it not efficiently and to learn best practices:
> I have a character stream that is formated like this one:
> ...<6 orange/> <2 20/> <1 1/> <2 20/> <5 false/> <1 0/> <16 orange 
> mechanics/> <2 25/>...

  [ snip ]

> i did some benchmarks, and found using gmatch and iterating trough
> captures more efficient, but it is not usable when we need to specify a
> starting offset position (like string.find) and i don't want to split my
> string to avoid copies.
> any advices will be very appreciated.

  What you want to do is possible with LPeg.  

local lpeg = require "lpeg"

-- To make the following code a bit easier on the eyes

local Ct = lpeg.Ct	-- collect captures in a table
local Cg = lpeg.Cg	-- assign capture to a field in a table (how I'm using this)
local Cp = lpeg.Cp	-- capture the current position
local C  = lpeg.C 	-- a generic capture of text
local S  = lpeg.S 	-- match a set of characters
local P  = lpeg.P 	-- match a literal string (see LPeg documentation for more on this)

local token   = (P(1) - P"/")^1       -- match everything up to a '/'
local bracket = S" \t\n"^0            -- skip 0 or more space characters
              * P"<"                  -- skip start marker
              * lpeg.locale().digit^1 -- skip digits; looks like you ignore them
              * S" \t\n"^1            -- skip one or more space characters
              * C(token)              -- capture the text we want
              * P"/>"                 -- skip the end marker
local pair    = Ct(                   -- collect captures in a table
                    Cg(bracket,"col1") -- assign this to col1
                  * Cg(bracket,"col2") -- assign this to col2
              * Cp()                  -- include the current position

local test = [[<6 orange/> <2 20/> <1 1/> <2 20/> <5 false/> <1 0/> <16 orange
mechanics/> <2 25/>]]

local pos = 1
while true do
  local x,npos = pair:match(test,pos)
  if not x then break end
  pos = npos

  -spc (From there, it should be easy to wrap it up into an iterator ... )