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Excelent! The name of the package is liblua5.2-dev.

So, the correct sequence after unpacking the sources of Luarocks is:

$ sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
$ ~/luarocks master
$ ./configure
$ sudo make bootstrap

Thank you. Now Luarocks is working perfectly!

2015-02-26 1:26 GMT-03:00, Hisham <>:
> On 25 February 2015 at 23:47, luciano de souza <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> After some effort, I could compile Luarocks with the following
>> commandlines:
>> $ ./configure --with-lua-include=./include
>> $ sudo make bootstrap
>> The directory ./include was manually placed in the Luarocks master
>> directory.
>> So I try to install luasql-sqlite3:
>> $ sudo luarocks install luasql-sqlite3
>> I got the following error:
>> src/luasql.c:8:17: fatal error: lua.h: Arquivo ou diretório não
>> encontrado
>>  #include "lua.h"
>>                  ^
>> compilation terminated.
>> Error: Build error: Failed compiling object src/luasql.o
>> The meaning of the error is understandable. When Luarocks compiles the
>> sources, it calls GCC and it requires the path of include directory.
>> But how to explain to luarocks where is it?
> Using --with-lua-include. That flag is given to configure is not
> intended for use during the build of LuaRocks itself. It is how you
> configure LuaRocks to find Lua includes later. For this reason, you
> should not give it a temporary directory such as `./include`. The
> proper way to do it is to install Lua with its development headers, so
> that the include files are installed in a system location such as
> /usr/local. That varies according to your OS/distro, but the devel
> headers package it's usually called something like liblua52-dev. Once
> you have those installed system-wide, give the absolute path to
> --with-lua-include. Most likely, however, once the Lua includes are
> properly installed in the system, the configure script will find them
> by itself.
> What OS/distro are you running? Other users of your system may be able
> to provide more specific information here.
> -- Hisham

Luciano de Souza