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It was thus said that the Great William Ahern once stated:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 07:42:29PM -0400, Sean Conner wrote:

> So in pure Lua applications it's not something I spend any time trying to
> solve. My libraries deal with ENOMEM, and I pass through the error like any
> other when I bind those libraries using a Lua module. I do this beause it's
> good code hygiene, IMO. But typically I expect the process to abort, and
> that's part of the QoS profile when I'm selecting an implementation (e.g.
> all C, C + embedded Lua, Lua + embedded C, etc).

  And yet earlier, you stated:

> I only object to the attitude that applications should bail on ENOMEM no
> matter the context. It takes skill to deal with ENOMEM efficiently, and
> that skill will never be acquired if one takes the attitude from the
> outset that it's not practical to do so.

  So is this (using a GC-backed language) a case where it's okay to bail on
ENOMEM?  I'm sooooo confused!

> Again, context matters. But this is a typical cost+benefit trade-off for
> automated garbage collection environments.

  Perhaps so ... 
