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It was thus said that the Great Andrew Starks once stated:
> In practice, I find that it's hard to tell what is happening, especially in
> a coroutine, and especially if I use the `nil, error` approach. I generally
> like my errors to be loud and obvious and haven't had a ton of success with
> 'quietly moving on.'
> Soo..... what do smart people do?

  One other thing I've done.  The the one place I do call lua_pcall(), I
made sure the following function is on the stack:

	function stackdump()
	  local stack = {}
	  for i = 1 , 10 do
	    local info = debug.getinfo(i,"Sl")
	    if not info then break end
	    table.insert(stack,string.format(" [%s(%d)]",info.source,info.currentline))

  It's enough to pin point the place of the crash.

  -spc (Then again, I'm not using the sample lua interpreter, but have Lua
	embedded in the application)