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On 26 August 2014 11:13, Coroutines <> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 9:52 PM, Jorge <> wrote:

> That's actually a criterion i've been munching as a posible default for all
> the pesky "style" questions: "does it make copy&paste of code more
> robust/safe, or not?".

On an unrelated note, it might be interesting to have version control
that is "source aware" so when you add into a section of code it can
warn you that you need to review it for changes in how goto is used or
something else.  Maybe a git plugin or something.

This is commonly done with pre-commit hooks calling out to a linter.
I used to have a lua one that warned me about globals, but not sure where it went....

This is also usually left up to the commiter, rather than enforced by the server (in case you need to break the rules for whatever reason)