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It was thus said that the Great Coroutines once stated:
> Besides that, I think your recv()/recvb() functions could be "faster"
> for both/overall if they avoided allocating for the peer address
> userdata/sockaddr -- you can get the remote peer information with
> getpeername().  As I'm sure you know, recv/recvfrom/recvmsg are
> functions that are expected to be called quite often -- allocating for
> the peer sockaddr is bad (imo) on every call to them.  I also think
> it's odd that recv() calls recvfrom(), but there should be no
> difference in the results.

  I made the change from using recvfrom() to recv() and thus, avoid
allocating space for the peer address for each packet received, and reran
the test.  No difference in the results.  I did not check in the changes
(they're easy enough to do if you want to test yourself).
