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It was thus said that the Great Coroutines once stated:
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> >   So, the code.  It's all here:
> >
> >
> Hmm.
> Okay, first I want to say that I really appreciate you going through
> all the effort to bootstrap this comparison.
> I think we may have a misunderstanding though -- my objective was
> mostly to save on reallocating the same buffer, as I cannot mutate it
> once it becomes a string.  I think there might be a potential for this
> to be faster by always having a fixed-sized buffer allocated to copy
> out to a string (if needed), but mostly this was about avoiding
> duplicating the buffer that gets recv()'d into :>  I am still
> interested in this comparson on speed, however.

  The suckb.lua script does allocate the buffer once, and it is of a fixed
size.  The __len() function returns the currently used amount of the buffer.

> >   I am willing to conceed an error in my methodology, but the ball is
> > now in Coroutines' court to show where I am in error.
> I *want* to disagree with how this benchmark is done because even if
> the networking portion of this comparison is done correctly it's using
> your socket library and I have my own -- and others have luasocket.
> It would take some time to properly critique all 3 and even set up all
> 3 for this benchmark to get a fairer view of things.
> I'm going to try to take a day to look at all of this but I want to
> point out that in suck.lua `data' is a local defined within the block
> -- it is created from the :recv() call on every iteration.  In
> suckb.lua `data' is a global declared on line 61 -- I think the global
> lookup as `data' is passed to :recv() might have some cost in this.  I
> don't believe this should make very much of a difference -- if these
> results are to be believed I'm shocked you can get away with
> allocating such a large buffer for the string-returning :recv() so
> often.

  Fair criticism, and fixed in the repo.  I hoisted the definitions out of
the main loop, and for suckb.lua, I made sure that data was declared local. 
I reran the tests but the results were similar as before.

> Besides that, I think your recv()/recvb() functions could be "faster"
> for both/overall if they avoided allocating for the peer address
> userdata/sockaddr -- you can get the remote peer information with
> getpeername().  As I'm sure you know, recv/recvfrom/recvmsg are
> functions that are expected to be called quite often -- allocating for
> the peer sockaddr is bad (imo) on every call to them.  I also think
> it's odd that recv() calls recvfrom(), but there should be no
> difference in the results.

  There are four functions you can use to read data from a socket:


  read() is fine for TCP and for "connected" UDP sockets [1], but for
unconnected TCP (or even packets for other IP protocols like OSPF) you can't
use read().  That's one reason I rejected using read().

  Of the three left, recv() is similar to recvfrom(), but drops the remote
address, and recvfrom() can be written in terms of recvmsg() but with a bit
more work, so from that standpoint, I decided to just use recvfrom(), but
name the routine "sock:recv()" on the Lua side.  I mostly work with
unconnected UDP, so having sock:recv() push the address is required.  It
would be easy enough to comment out that part of the code to test, but I
doubt it'll give any significant performance boost (but I'm willing to be

  But that's the reasoning behind the way I wrote the code.

> You did a fair benchmark iterating over every :byte() in the buffer
> and string -- I think this is also a fair benchmark in terms of
> "real-world" usage even if I feel it should have just been focused on
> duplicating and running the string library over a mutating userdata.

  The data has to come from somewhere.  Another approach would be to read
"/dev/urandom", but I felt like doing this via the network would be more in
tune towards the type of work you are doing with Lua.

> >   On a related note---for drastic changes like introducing mutable strings
> > to Lua, it should be up to the presenter to do the work, to do the
> > implementation (even if it does duplicate code) to show the idea is sound.
> > Working code trumps wishes and laments.  I applaud Jan Behrens' work on
> > ipairs because he's taking the time to implement his ideas.
> Twist that dagger a little deeper, eh? :p  

  It's a fair cop 8-P

> Introducing a buffer type and metatable interface to it was not my idea. I
> was hoping to learn from upstream how I might trick Lua's typechecking
> functions into believing userdata were strings and getting it to safely
> access the ->buf portion of the userdata (rather than the similar data
> member in the TString struct).

  Harder than it sounds.  One thougt I did have was to "tweak" the type byte
in the common header from LUA_TUSERDATA to LUA_TSTRING, but then I looked at
the defintions of both strings and userdata:

typedef union TString {
  L_Umaxalign dummy;  /* ensures maximum alignment for strings */
  struct {
    lu_byte reserved;
    unsigned int hash;
    size_t len;
  } tsv;
} TString;

typedef union Udata {
  L_Umaxalign dummy;  /* ensures maximum alignment for ocal' udata */
  struct {
    struct Table *metatable;
    struct Table *env;
    size_t len;
  } uv;
} Udata;

  You *MIGHT* get away with that on a 32-bit system where sizeof(pointer) ==
sizeof(int) == sizeof(lu_byte + padding) and nothing touches the hash,
metatable or env fields of either structure.  But on a 64-bit system, I
woudn't count on sizeof(tsv) (from TString) being equal to sizeof(uv) (from


[1]	A call to connect() on a UDP socket associates a remote/local pair
	of addresses to the socket.  The downside is that you can only
	receive packets from the remote address you called connect() on.