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On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Coroutines <> wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:

> <all in good fun> It's awesome that you are bike shedding the semantics of
> email list subjects. I feel that I understand you a bit more clearly, now.
> ;) </ all in good fun>

<all in good taste> I don't understand the point of bringing in terms
like bikeshedding, or attributing ideas to other languages to avoid
their consideration, or exaggerating proposals to extremes we all
don't agree with, or using subject headers that imply unintended
meanings, or having the same people consistently discourage discussion
because they have the experience and pseudo-authority to tell you what
you "should be doing instead".  </all in good taste>

I'm not actually mad -- some valuable discussion does happen on lua-l,
but I don't run into these problems as frequently in #lua [on

Quick, let me wrap all of this in another HTML/XML-like tag to dismiss
it as banter so I don't run the risk of violating list etiquette and
offending someone ~

And, I forgot to add that I like your "from:" message or "split from" better. I'll steal it for when I fork. Probably won't become a convention that everyone follows, but one internet citizen at a time, I suppose....
