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On Friday, May 16, 2014, Ulrich Schmidt <> wrote:

Am 16.05.2014 10:52, schrieb Thijs Schreijer:

There is no global accepted rule where to install lua.
I compiled/installed luajit on ARM-Linux and your directory tree becomes
created in /usr/local/. Thats ok for me. Luadist makefiles does not
recognize the installed juajit and do not cooperate with it. So it does
not matter where you pull your module sources: you need to modify the
makefiles anyway. After playing with Lua for a year on windows & Linux,
i know there is no widely accepted way to name installed files and no
widely accepted rule where to store the installed files.

So if you want to set up your own running lua environment: "Roll your
Own!" Thats state of the art. And as long each developer / each distro
keeps creating own rules it will keep being this way.


But at least the defaults should work out-of-the-box, no?


If i want to be rude, i would say: "there are no defaults i can trust."
Everyone defines his private setup as "default". So we have as many "defaults" as we have Lua versions, modules, distibutions and so on. (not counting my own default ;) ).

And no one thought about, windows need a complete different directory- & file name structure. In case you want to install Lua5.2 and (Lua5.1 || Luajit) parallel on Windows, the Linux directory tree does not fit the windows needs.

But all this is no big issue: Define your own directory structure, adjust PATH & CPATH, cannibalize existing makefiles and "Roll your own" ^^



Why have the default at all if the default is broken out of the box?

What we all do is not hyper-relevant. I believe that this affects...

...what someone who installs Lua for the first time experiences
...what LuaRocks should follow, by default.

I don't use MinGW. Does it have the "usr/local" structure? If you install something like git, is it expected to be nested into /usr/local/bin, or similar? If so, then I believe that the luaconf.h file should root itself there, if it were possible. 

If not, then the make file would need to use the Windows structure. 

I do not think that the tree needs to be versioned, given that it's rooted to a specific executable. That is, unless my other suggestion were to be adopted (make specific version first search, then non-version second search).