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On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
> I found this new application of Lua relevant to post here:
>   ACML 6 is introducing a scripting language into the library for the
>   first time.  It is named 'ACMLScript', but it is currently based
>   entirely on the Lua scripting language.  Lua was chosen for ACMLScript
>   based on its strong reputation as an excellent embed-able language,
>   its light footprint and its performance.  The tasks that we currently
>   foresee using a scripting language are easily and quite naturally
>   represented by the Lua language and its concept of tables.
> (ACML is the AMD Core Math Library, a library of "useful mathematical
> routines optimized for AMD processors".)
> -- Roberto

Congratulations! This is a significant complement and a validation of
your teams work.
