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On Sun, May 4, 2014 15:01, Dirk Laurie wrote:

>> Dirk, who 50 years ago wrote (in Fortran, alas) a compiler
>> for the IBM 1620 [ - - - ]


   Ah, the IBM 1620.  Now THAT was a Real Man's computer,
   complete with its impressive panel of flashing lights
   and upper-case-only typewriter, as it clattered out
   the program listing and results of a Real Program,
   such as Gaussian Elimination, written in FORTRAN-II.

   Ah, them was the days!  Actually, they were horrible,
   it's amazing we managed to stick with programming :-)

Joseph ( competing for the most-off-topic-post-of-the-year award )

Joseph Manning / Computer Science / UCC Cork Ireland /