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2014-04-11 2:42 GMT+02:00 duz <>:

> Searching the reference manual I find it defined in
> that one place
>   Section 2.4, function gettable_event (table, key)
> I suggest to remove the parens around the return (h(...))
> in the reference manual and stop dropping values returned
> from the handler.

We've got that by now. You have said it at least three times
but it feels like ten.

What you seem not to have got is that once it was demonstrated
that the current behaviour is not an implementation detail but
actually documented, the proposal becomes purely academic.

You may have noticed that the few people still in this thread
are talking about something else, except the helpful Hisham
who is trying to show that your original problem can be solved
in another way without changing Lua.

I said "I'll support that, for now, until somone demonstrates the
unpleasant side effects this might have." Well, someone has,
and I am not supporting it any longer.