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On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> I'm happier with the notion that `x,y,z in tbl` is just a synonym for
> `tbl.x, tbl.y, tbl.z`. The above would be better described by
> { 'a', 'b', 'c' }[1,2,3] — but let's not hijack this thread.

Yes, we have the (modified) Peter patch where the statement

[local] x,y,z in tbl

is [local] x,y,z = tbl.x, tbl.y, tbl.z

(modulo temporary for expressions)

and Coroutines is suggesting (in addition?) that

x,y,z in tbl

is a multi-valued expression meaning tbl.x,tbl.y,tbl.z

The first is straightforward, convenient and easy to explain. The
second - I don't know; it would lead to rather obscure code.  We
should not feel compelled to do everything in one statement, after all
(leads to some of the more unreadable Python idioms).