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General Lua Libraries

I am happy to announce release 36 of stdlib.

stdlib's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 36 (2014-01-16) [stable]

** New features:

 - Modules have been refactored so that they can be safely
   required individually, and without loading themselves or any
   dependencies on other std modules into the global namespace.

 - Objects derived from the `std.object` prototype have a new
   <derived_object>:prototype () method that returns the contents of the
   new internal `_type` field.  This can be overridden during cloning
   with, e.g.:

      local Object = require "std.object"
      Prototype = Object { _type = "Prototype", <other_fields> }

 - Objects derived from the `std.object` prototype return a new table
   with a shallow copy of all non-private fields (keys that do not
   begin with "_") when passed to `table.totable` - unless overridden
   in the derived object's __totable field.

 - list and strbuf are now derived from `std.object`, which means that
   they respond to `object.prototype` with appropriate type names ("List",
   "StrBuf", etc.) and can be used as prototypes for further derived
   objects or clones; support object:prototype (); respond to totable etc.

 - A new Container module at `std.container` makes separation between
   container objects (which are free to use __index as a "[]" access
   metamethod, but) which have no object methods, and regular objects
   (which do have object methods, but) which cannot use the __index
   metamethod for "[]" access to object contents.

 - set and tree are now derived from `std.container`, so there are no
   object methods.  Instead there are a full complement of equivalent
   module functions.  Metamethods continue to work as before.

 - `string.prettytostring` always displays table elements in the same
   order, as provided by `table.sort`.

 - `table.totable` now accepts a string, and returns a list of the
   characters that comprise the string.

 - Can now be installed directly from a release tarball by `luarocks`.
   No need to run `./configure` or `make`, unless you want to install to
   a custom location, or do not use LuaRocks.

** Bug fixes:

 - string.escape_pattern is now Lua 5.2 compatible.

 - all objects now reuse prototype metatables, as required for __le and
   __lt metamethods to work as documented.

** Deprecations:

 - To avoid confusion between the builtin Lua `type` function and the
   method for finding the object prototype names, `std.object.type` is
   deprecated in favour of `std.object.prototype`. `std.object.type`
   continues to work for now, but might be removed from a future

      local prototype = (require 'std.object').prototype

   ...makes for more readable code, rather than confusion between the
   different flavours of `type`.

** Incompatible changes:

 - Following on from the Grand Renaming™ change in the last release,
   `std.debug_ext`, `std.io_ext`, `std.math_ext`, `std.package_ext`,
   `std.string_ext` and `std.table_ext` no longer have the spurious
   `_ext` suffix.  Instead, you must now use, e.g.:

      local string = require "std.string"

   These names are now stable, and will be available from here for
   future releases.

 - The `std.list` module, as a consequence of returning a List object
   prototype rather than a table of functions including a constructor,
   now always has the list operand as the first argument, whether that
   function is called with `.` syntax or `:` syntax.  Functions which
   previously had the list operand in a different position when called
   with `.` syntax were: list.filter, list.foldl, list.foldr,
   list.index_key, list.index_value,, list.map_with,
   list.project, list.shape and list.zip_with.  Calls made as object
   methods using `:` calling syntax are unchanged.

 - The `std.set` module is a `std.container` with no object methods,
   and now uses prototype functions instead:

     local union = Set.union (set1, set2)

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install stdlib 36

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the stdlib release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \