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On Nov 14, 2013, at 10:57 PM, Thijs Schreijer <> wrote:

> I use the attached rockspec (by Steve Donovan) to build LuaSocket with LuaRocks. This rockspec uses the LR 'builtin' backend instead of the make file. I couldn't use the makefile because MinGW is not supported by it, and this rockspec should work on all platforms I guess.

By all platforms do you mean that it might work in 5.2? I have seen contradictory information on that.
Am I correct that to use a local rocspec I enter "luarocks build luasocket-2.0.2-6.rockspec"  ? (assuming the rocspec is in the working directory)

Jose de la Torre-Bueno, Ph.D.
Empowered Energy Solutions Inc.
Intellectual Property & Technology Management
T (619) 977-0553
F (760) 295-7119