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Am 12.10.13 18:53, schrieb Hisham:


> I took a stab at writing rockspecs for these!

Many thanks for your effort!

> We have a problem with luajson: the name is already taken.

That was to be expected, given that there are many modules for JSON.
Can you tag such packets with a secondary value besides the name?  e.g.
the name of the author or so?

> Note that these are "scm" rockspecs: they point to the latest sources
> in your SCM (source control manager), i.e., your git master HEAD. So,
> they are not on the main repository (
> ). Please tag version numbers
> in your repo (something like `git tag v0.1` is fine), and I'll make
> versioned rockspecs and upload the to the main repository (these have
> the advantage of not being "moving targets", so the repository keeps a
> copy of the sources, and other rockspecs may specify it as
> dependencies).

Ok, I will look into how I have to do that with git.  I also have
updates for all modules (to make them work with 5.1 _and_ 5.2).

> Thank you!!

Well, I have thank you!

> Ah, in the process of writing this I added a new command to LuaRocks,
> called `luarocks write_rockspec` which writes a rockspec template for
> a project. It's now in the LuaRocks git and will feature in the next release.
> (For those who maintain existing rockspecs, make sure you don't miss the
> `luarocks new_version` command for updating rockspecs -- it's pretty
> useful!)

Sounds like this is quite practical.