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On 25 September 2013 10:53, Javier Guerra Giraldez <> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Rob Kendrick <> wrote:
>> Can we have an "as well as a source tarball", please?  Some of us do not
>> use LuaRocks, and LuaRocks makes it more difficult to create
>> distribution packages.
> same here!
> at the very least, a readable description of what goes where...

Well, since we're all Lua programmers here, I suppose this is readable
enough? :)
package = "zile"
version = "3-1"
description = {
  summary = "Zile Implements Lua Editors",
  homepage = "";,
  license = "GPLv3+",
  detailed = "An editor building kit, bundled with zmacs: a
lightweight Emacs clone.",
source = {
  url = "";,
  dir = "zile-release-v3",
dependencies = {
  "alien >= 0.7.0",
  "lua >= 5.2",
  "luaposix >= 29",
  "lua-stdlib >= 35",
  "lrexlib-gnu >= 2.7.1",
external_dependencies = nil
build = {
  build_command = "./configure LUA='$(LUA)'
--libdir='$(LIBDIR)' --datadir='$(LUADIR)' && make clean all",
  copy_directories = {
  type = "command",
  install_command = "make install luadir='$(LUADIR)'",

If anything in the above description is not clear enough, please let
us know. But as you can see, for Zile it's a Github archive plus the
good old configure-make-make-install sequence. For other rockspecs
which use LuaRocks' builtin build procedure the description of "what
goes where" is even more readable. You can simply think of a rockspec
as a 'formal' description of the install procedure.

-- Hisham