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I'm sorry, this should be on the list, too:

And I forgot the link:


On 21-09-2013 09:48:41, Matthias Beyer wrote:
> On 21-09-2013 04:52:41, Craig Barnes wrote:
> > > If you need more information about the project or so, feel free to ask me!
> > 
> > I'd be interested to hear more about the project. Are you developing
> > it in the open? I'm working on something similar myself at the moment.
> > 
> > -- Craig
> Thank you for your reply!
> Yes, it is open source and on github[0]. The kernel is in version
> 0.0.6-0 atm, which is far from stable, but it's already running with
> the dummy-modules! If the modules are ready (five of them) it can
> compile almost everything. But it's meant to be a static site
> compiler, and I will adapt the 'discount' library for compiling
> markdown to html as first compiler. Maybe later textile and latex,
> don't know yet!
> What are you working on?
> -- 
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Kind regards,
> Matthias Beyer
> Proudly sent with mutt.
> Happily signed with gnupg.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kind regards,
Matthias Beyer

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