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On 22 August 2013 07:52, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> In that part of the manual, script would probably be better than chunk.

I agree, because a typed command in the standalone interpreter does
form a chunk, and yet:

Lua 5.2.0  Copyright (C) 1994-2011, PUC-Rio
> #ignore
stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '#'

> But note that skipping the first line if it begins with # is done by
> luaL_loadfilex (and so luaL_loadfile, luaL_dofile, and require); it is
> not a feature restricted to the standalone interpreter.

Ah, so perhaps it should say it skips the first line of a _file_...
When I read Dirk's first message, the first thing I tried was:

local fn, err = loadstring([[#ignore
if fn then
   print(err) --> [string "#ignore..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '#'

but now I see that loadfile and loadstring behave differently in this regard.

-- Hisham