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It was thus said that the Great Jay Carlson once stated:
> On Jul 10, 2013 12:47 PM, "Todd Coram" <> wrote:
> > IMHO, Int64 is a very big deal (for Lua). The 53 bits of mantissa is
> > sufficient for a lot of applications, but I feel dirty every time I deal
> > with a protocol format that specifies a 64 bit field and I shove it into
> > a Lua (5.1/5.2) number: One day, someone will have a reason for using
> > all 64 bits in that field and my Lua app will munge that value.
> Yeah. But for many protocols the only things which get that large are
> lengths, and x86_64 implementations can't address that much memory. 64-bit
> ARM has that architected tag mode, so they hit the address space wall at
> ~2^55.

  I deal with a few protocols that use a 64-bit value for timestamps at the
microsecond resolution, which is around 52,53 bits in size ... a bit too close
for comfort for me ... 

  -spc (Who tends to decode protocols in C anyway ... )