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> >>	Anyway, since tostring() in Lua 5.3 will produce different
> >>string representations for integer and floating-point numbers (can I
> >>assume that?) it won't be more useful to have "*i" format to read "1.0"
> >>and convert it to the integer 1 ?
> >
> >Useful to whom? If I am reading a list of integer numbers, probably I
> >do not want to accept 1.0.
> 	Useful to anyone reading a file produced with an earlier version
> of Lua.  Well, at least I think it would be useful.  As I said, I don't
> have that exactly problem.

I guess I still do not understand your problem here. What kind of file
would be that? What would be the exact problem? (Note that a file
produced with an ealrier version of Lua should be exactly the same as
a file produced with this version of Lua, unless you use "print" or
"tostring" to produce the file, which has always been considered a bad

-- Roberto