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General Lua Libraries

I am happy to announce the release of lua-stdlib release 35.

lua-stdlib's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 35 (2013-05-06) [stable]

** New features:

 - Move to the Slingshot release system.
 - Continuous integration from Travis automatically builds stdilb
   with Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and luajit-2.0 with every commit, which
   should help prevent future release breaking compatibility with
   one or another of those interpreters.

** Bug fixes:

 - `std.package_ext` no longer overwrites the core `package` table,
   leaving the core holding on to memory that Lua code could no
   longer access.

** Incompatible changes:

 - The Grand Renaming™ - everything now installs to $luaprefix/std/,
   except `std.lua` itself.  Importing individual modules now involves:

     local list = require "std.list"

   If you want to have all the symbols previously available from the
   global and core module namespaces, you will need to put them there
   yourself, or import everything with:

     require "std"

   which still behaves per previous releases.

   Not all of the modules work correctly when imported individually
   right now, until we figure out how to break some circular dependencies.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

  luarocks install lua-stdlib-35

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the lua-stdlib release branch, with:

  $ luarocks install \