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What is Ophal?

Ophal is a highly scalable web platform, which aims to be easy to maintain, learn, extend and is open to improvements. Developers can create modules to alter and extend Ophal's core capabilities and add new features or customize Ophal's behavior and appearance, Zophin and DBA are examples of that. Ophal core supports themes, which customize the "look and feel" of Ophal sites.

Download here!


Community news

Moved to GitHub!

Yes, all Ophal code is now on so we expect a feeback in the issue queue, many forks and loads of Stargazers!

New contrib modules

They are the ones that extend Ophal beyond:

They are not included in core so you can create your own contrib modules, or fork the ones existing, just don't forget to contribute upstream.

Theming / Front-end improvements

Backend improvements

Installation / Deployment

Miscelaneous improvements

The future

First beta release of Ophal shall include:

Would you like to help Ophal get to beta stage? join the team! contact info [at]

Contribute to Ophal!


Fernando Paredes García

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