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On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 5:23 AM, Spencer Parkin
<> wrote:
> The app can use Lua as a DLL or by statically linking with it.
> The module can use Lua as a DLL or by statically linking with it.

OK, are we talking Windows here? (judging from specific word 'DLL')
Because then usual practice is to always link against the DLL.

It is possible to link against _a program_ containing Lua on Windows,
true;  e.g. if I want Lua extensions available for scripting in SciTE
I must link them against the exported Lua functions from SciTE.

But that's the bitch with Windows; the DLLL must be linked against a
specific target, 'scite.exe', 'lua51.dll', 'lua5.1.dll' and so forth.

Under Unix, shared libraries etc are much more tolerant of where the
symbols come from.

steve d.