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On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Aaron B. <> wrote:
> I still don't see any advantages of Github above a generic tarball
> format + URL for distribution.
> --
> Aaron B. <>

Github ~= git
or Github =/= git


The advantage of using git (self hosted, a url to a repository that's
in an svn, etc) would only be relevant if there was an extension to
what LR does and how it did it. There are other ways to do this same
thing, but there are a great many projects that use git to accomplish:
module version management, local patching by the user, environment
swapping and basic installation and removal.

Instead of writing separate scripts for different operating systems to
push files around and manage updates, plus different methods of file
transfer and authentication (for pushing changes).. just use the git
command for that. It's already fantastic at it.

Seems to me to be almost an implementation detail that a developer
should need to worry too much about. They install LR or whatever it is
that does this if LR isn't the correct fit, and it uses git in the
background to manage version tracking.
