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On Mar 3, 2013, at 1:28 PM, Sven Olsen <> wrote:

print( config.color? )  --> should print false not nil

This is the big potential drawback I can see for my _SAFE approach.  While the syntax is shared with CoffeeScript's existential operator, the semantics are different.  As I'm defining it, ? is a utility for safe table navigation -- it shouldn't be used to check for existence.  "config.color?" is prettymuch guaranteed to never be nil or false, as it's just shorthand for "(config.color or _SAFE)".

You could have the patch do this:
function __check(expr)
if type(expr)=='boolean' then
return expr
return _SAFE

and convert:
expr? to (expr or __check(expr))

That would also be better because I think I would expect this to yield a real Lua error:
print ( config.color?.style) --> config.color is a boolean false not a table

Because it would cause a real Lua error if config.color == true with your current approach, right?  I think it should behave the same regardless of it being a true or false boolean.

For the other problem of:
print(#settings) --> arguably should be 0 not 1

I don't think that's as big a problem, and likely requires either changing Lua's core to handle '?' properly, or using the nil metatable approach.
But it's likely to cause problems when using your patch.

For example:
settings = { color = config.admin?.color }  --> settings.color = _SAFE userdata now, instead of nil

if settings.color then 
print("D'oh!")  --> we get here because a _SAFE is neither false nor nil
