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I agree that limiting this functionality to "?." and "?[" is probably

A more general "?" operator might be _possible_, but doesn't actually
seem terribly _useful_. 

I was mulling this over last night, and I think I've entirely changed my mind.  I'm now fairly certain that a more general postfix operator is the better way to go.  What I hadn't seen earlier is how elegantly it could come together.

Here's what I'm currently planning:

'?' is the "Safe Navigator Operator" -- a piece of syntax sugar that converts: 
   expr? to (expr or _SAFE)

_SAFE, meanwhile, is the second upvalue placed inside any new chunk.  It's initial value is a unique userdata with a metatable that defines __call, __pairs, __ipairs, __index, and __newindex as nullops.  

And that's it.


will cause object to glow if it has a glow function defined.

   object.clock?.current_time = time()

sets the current time of object's clock, if it has a clock.,3)

returns the first 3 characters of object's name, if object has a name.

   for k,v in pairs(object.table?) do

iterates though the members of object's table, if it has one 

The semantics are such that you can easily change the default behavior from a nullop to printing a non-breaking warning --  just define:

  local _SAFE = setmetatable({},{_index=function(...) print_warning(..) end})

The general version would be slightly slower than the patch I originally posted, and it would impose some slight memory costs.  But my hunch is that in virtually all situations, those additional costs would be negligible.  Of course, I have yet to code anything up, so, there may be some big drawback or complication that I'm missing.  But at the moment, it's looking like a hugely promising Saturday afternoon project :)
