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It was thus said that the Great steve donovan once stated:
> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 5:40 AM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> >   Have you given thought to making a rockspec for each module?  Is that even
> > desirable?
> The useful and very self-contained stringio is already there, so
> naturally I had that thought too. I raised this on the LuaRocks list
> as a possibility, but Hisham thought that it would be something of a
> step back.

  Can you link to the discussion?  I'd be interested to know why Hisham
thought it would be a step back?  

> But do remember that these guys have less dependencies than they used
> to, and so you can pick the ones that are useful.

  True, but they don't have their own rockspecs.  I know I can download the
whole thing (in fact, have done so), but I thought it might be nice if there
was a bit of a finer grain control over what modules to install.
