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Am 03.01.2013 15:15, schrieb Dirk Laurie:
I think what you're looking for is not called assert().

Amen. The suggested usage does not fit the purpose.

Maybe assert's purpose in C and in Lua is different from each other. They certainly have different characteristics:

- automatically generated, cryptic (for end users) error message
- forces a crash, no resource cleanup
- core dump
- vanishes if NDEBUG is defined

- optional custom error message
- raises a normal error which can be handled by standard means
- doesn't magically disappear depending on compilation flags

C's assert is clearly intended to report programming bugs to programmers, while Lua's assert is inferior compared to `error()` for reporting errors to end users in only one way: It doesn't support a level argument. And this is what this thread is all about ...

Of course one could argue that `error()` isn't supposed to be used for error reporting to end users as well.

IMHO, assert's primary purpose in Lua is to convert return values to errors. I also find it more readable than "if ... then error( ... ) end" for simple conditions like argument checks.

So why doesn't/shouldn't assert support a level parameter if error does? Because it is easy for error and difficult for assert.


The way I was taught to use  "assert"  is exemplified int he C
code for the GMP package.  You don't use it directly but via
a macro.

     ASSERT(x>=0,"x should not be negative");

Why? C's assert already is a macro and works (almost) the same way:

    assert( x>=0 && "x should not be negative" )

You define the macro to call the C "assert" macro while debugging
the program.  There are well over 3000 instances of ASSERT in
the code.  Once the program works, you don't take out all the
asserts but redefine the macro to  generate no code at all.  GMP
automates all that by a preprocessor variable WANT_ASSERT.

It's NDEBUG for assert.


In production, users will sooner or later uncover a mistake.
That's when you restore the original assert, debug it, and
deactivate it again.

Sometimes it's not easy to modify the user's code, so some C people leave the asserts in place even for production code.
