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Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
> That is truly a work of art. It looks like there is also some sort of
> netbook sitting on top some kind of a router in the picture. I had to look
> twice at that part, at first glance it looked like you have the whole
> thing wired up to a coffeemaker.

Yeah, it's an old eee which I was using as a serial console, sitting on
top of a UPS.

Incidentally, if you want a small low-power easily hackable ARM box for
doing Lua-related stuff (or otherwise!) on, I can strongly recommend the
Mele A1000 (or its identical twin the Mele A2000). 512MB RAM, 2GB
internal storage, SD, ethernet, wifi, full HD HDMI out, and decently
fast SATA. When it's actually in its case it has a very neat SATA cradle
in the top which means you can just plug a notebook hard drive directly
into it. Pictures here:

From a hobbyist point of view, it's great because it will automatically
boot off a specially formatted SD card --- no fiddling with uboot or
serial consoles necessary. Just write an Ubuntu image onto the card and
it works. It's completely unbrickable which makes it ideal for hacking.

Even better, it's cheap. Half the price of a CuBox or twice that of a
Raspberry Pi.

The downsides are that you have to share that 512MB with the GPU, and
you can't turn off the GPU entirely; the maximum available to the CPU is
about 500MB. And if you *do* need a serial console you have to get one
of those ghastly TTL converters (you can see mine in the photo hanging
down from the left hand side).

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
│ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
│ _The Bridge of Birds_

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