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On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:41 AM, David Given <> wrote:
> Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
> [...]
>> That is truly a work of art. It looks like there is also some sort of
>> netbook sitting on top some kind of a router in the picture. I had to look
>> twice at that part, at first glance it looked like you have the whole
>> thing wired up to a coffeemaker.
> Yeah, it's an old eee which I was using as a serial console, sitting on
> top of a UPS.
> Incidentally, if you want a small low-power easily hackable ARM box for
> doing Lua-related stuff (or otherwise!) on, I can strongly recommend the
> Mele A1000 (or its identical twin the Mele A2000). 512MB RAM, 2GB
> internal storage, SD, ethernet, wifi, full HD HDMI out, and decently
> fast SATA. When it's actually in its case it has a very neat SATA cradle
> in the top which means you can just plug a notebook hard drive directly
> into it. Pictures here:
> From a hobbyist point of view, it's great because it will automatically
> boot off a specially formatted SD card --- no fiddling with uboot or
> serial consoles necessary. Just write an Ubuntu image onto the card and
> it works. It's completely unbrickable which makes it ideal for hacking.
> Even better, it's cheap. Half the price of a CuBox or twice that of a
> Raspberry Pi.
> The downsides are that you have to share that 512MB with the GPU, and
> you can't turn off the GPU entirely; the maximum available to the CPU is
> about 500MB. And if you *do* need a serial console you have to get one
> of those ghastly TTL converters (you can see mine in the photo hanging
> down from the left hand side).
> --
> ┌─── ───── ─────
> │ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
> │ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
> │ _The Bridge of Birds_

Do you know if its wifi supports master mode? This could be quite a boon for me.

/s/ Adam