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Hi Jorge,

> I see a "wxlua28_2.8.12.2-1_i386.deb" file... This means it will not work on
> 64 bits?

It should work on 64bit system; it will use dependencies built for
32bit system though. I'll confirm this later today on 64bit Linux


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:28 AM, Jorge <> wrote:
> On 14/10/12 14:14, Paul K wrote:
>> You can get the latest version from the repository and run "bash
>> ./" (or use CMake build file in the build/ directory).
>> Running the first time will install the dependencies and
>> then run the IDE (tested on Ubuntu and Mint versions of Linux, but
>> should work anywhere with deb packaging support). I'll have a packaged
>> shell archive when the next version (0.33) is out.
> I see a "wxlua28_2.8.12.2-1_i386.deb" file... This means it will not work on
> 64 bits?
> Jorge