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Petite Abeille <petite.abeille <at>> writes:
> At a more practical level, you have three main options:
> (1) Fork Lua and go your merry way

Yes, we maintain a necessary custom code base, however since we also execute 
scripts, we avoid making changes that modify the standard libraries and 

> (2) Patch Lua to your liking and share your handy work

>From my understanding, community patches are not applied to Lua mainstream. I've 
also noticed anecdotal evidence of the existence of a patch 
delaying/preventing(?) inclusion into mainstream, presumably because it would 
become difficult for the Lua authors to show their implementation to be 

Rather, well reasoned discussion and consensus of the community seems to move 
things along more readily than any available code.

Of course, I may be way off base here, and will be stiffly lectured shortly. I 
look forward to the clarification on this matter.

> (3) Grok the length operator "as is" and get on doing whatever things you 
> meant to do with Lua in the first place


Thanks for your input.
