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On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:40 AM, steve donovan
<> wrote:

> We still have the old luaforge catalog at
> Yuri was doing that, but last I heard he had a four-week old baby.
> Such mini-projects tend to take priority ;)
> Perhaps it's something for Mr Marbux with his document organizing skills?

I thought luaforge was a dead project with not much left but project's
former home pages? 404 messages abound.

I'll need to think about it and investigate what would be required a
bit. But I question whether Gforge is the right software for the task.

There was some discussion on this list a couple of days ago about the
OpenComparison program/service as a candidate for housing such a
project. <>: "We offer free subdomains to
open-source languages, web frameworks, and other projects." The
service pulls in a lot of data about a package once it's fed the URL
for the project's version control system.

There may be a better service for the project. It isn't a software
type I've worked with before. But I suspect it's a project better
crowd-sourced than a one person project.

Best regards,
