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Hi all,

Since Mike Pall is busy doing other awesome things, he has
allowed me to take over maintenance of his "advanced readline

I have created a version of the patch for Lua 5.2.0.  I've
also updated both the 5.2.0 and 5.1.4 patches for compati-
bility with GNU readline version 6 and Mac OS X libedit.

Find the patches here:

A quick list of the features of these patches:

  - Completion of keywords and global variable names.

  - Recursive and metatable-aware completion of variable names.

  - Context sensitive delimiter completion.

  - Save/restore of the history to/from a file (LUA_HISTORY env variable).

  - Setting a limit for the size of the history (LUA_HISTSIZE env variable).

  - Setting the app name to allow for $if lua ... $endif in ~/.inputrc.

I welcome comments and questions regarding the patches.

