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----- Original Message -----
From: Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev
Date: 12/16/2011 12:00 PM
There is a way to read the directory in just 2-3 kernel calls. (A little more if the directory is bigger, and provided buffer is not enough). I can't tell whether it's faster, but it's out there.


FYI: It's doing more that it's supposed to do, for example two times calling

if(!GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, (FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS)i, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1)) || !GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, (FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS)i, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2)))

but this was just to explore how the functions were behaving, and whether they were filling the buffer to the end.

Only one call is needed there.
This is very cool. If it is faster (and it has the logical appearance of being so), then applications could detect the Windows platform and choose to use it on Vista [1] and above.

I wonder if Git's scanning internals could be sped up with this...?


