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On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Petite Abeille <> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Alex Queiroz wrote:
>> You, on the other hand, is attacking him personally, and this is not the
>> first episode of your arrogance and stupidity on this mailing list.

I am neither arrogant nor stupid. I am far from both. I defend myself
when attacked, and sometimes strongly so, but always in proportion to
the attack. In this, I follow the same principle as all peaceful men
before and after me.

You seem unable to see some attacks for what they are. Why that is, I
don't know. Maybe a problem in perception.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have nothing to change in my conduct.

> Bah... let boys be boys :P

Right on... you've got the spirit :p