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I mean by modular, that the book will be made up of several "modules" or part, which can be bought separately and which aim different goal : one will help the reader to learn the fundamentals, one will deal with advanced use, one will be rather a reference manual for every-day’s use, and one will present case studies.

So to answer to your question, it will take a bit from each of the three books you mentioned.

Several authors will contribute, and the work will be shared according to each one's skills, specialization and availability.

- patricia

2011/9/19 Patrick Rapin <>
>  I'm looking for French-writing contributors and authors for writting a modular book on Lua (in French).
> All experiences may be interesting, since a part of the book will be dedicated to real examples of Lua application.

Could you please be more precise?
I don't know what it is a "modular" book.
And what kind of subject would you like to see ?
Asking otherwise, currently published (to my knowledge) three books [1]:
  • Reference Manual
  • Programming in Lua
  • Lua Programming Gems.
 To which of them would the project book most look like?

My language is French and I am possibly interested in contributing, but that all depends on the subjects, the amount of work, etc.

Patrick Rapin
