On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:56 PM, David Manura <dm.lua@math2.org> wrote:And in some cases PREFIX is blank, which leads to problems, even if
> Keeping Lua modules and regular C libraries in separate
> directories may mitigate naming conflicts, but sometimes it's
> convenient to keep them in the same directory (e.g. see Windows DLL
> path lookup rules). Other operating systems may use different
> prefixes too (e.g. PREFIX is "cyg" on Cygwin).
you do place the identically named libraries in different directories
[1]. Sometimes I've wondered if it would be better for LUA_CPATH to
default to using some other extension like ".luadll"/".luaso" to avoid
ambiguity in what are distinct namespaces (Lua cpath and system
library path).
[1] http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2009-November/033323.html