I liked the usage of "sub". When data is string, "sub" is used to delimite a portion of text. As the data is binary, "sub" is used to capture a peace of data between two positions in bytes.
I have never neeeded to deal with binary data, so the "rb" and "wb" don't make much sense for me. Now, I have a very good application.
And I have also "sox", a very workable feature. yes, success is complete! Thank for all! Em 04-09-2011 13:27, Lorenzo Donati escreveu:
On 04/09/2011 16.59, Luciano de Souza wrote: [...] Try this and see if it helps. Warning: ALMOST UNTESTED CODE.Change the path1/path2 locals to point to your files or make a better script by taking the paths from the cmd line!Note: uses info from the link posted by Patrick: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ Cheers! -- Lorenzo