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Hello again, i've been reading and testing the moai on a windows
vm(cus i use linux), but it's seems very stupid use a vm with windows
+ cygwin(it's necessary for android development) in a linux.

I'm studying the possibility to use only opengl + Lua to write some
simple test games for android, this is the best way? There's some
other good game engine that i can code on my linux?


2011/8/29 Elias de Oliveira <>:
> Thanks guys, i will read about moai for game developing and MoSync to
> others apps.
> []'s
> 2011/8/29 David Given <>:
>> On 29/08/11 19:08, Elias de Oliveira wrote:
>>> Hello guys, i'm starting to study Lua and game developing for android.
>>> In my search i found the corona game engine, but i would like to write
>>> my apps in a free software, did you guys had worked with some free and
>>> good game engine for android?
>> What you're looking for is Moai:
>> Open source, works on Windows, Android and iOS, and very easy to use.
>> --
>> ┌─── ───── ─────
>> │
>> │ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
>> │ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith
> --
> Elias Granja
> Campinas - SP

Elias Granja
Campinas - SP