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Come to think of this. I'm emacs user when comes to lua, lisp, shell scripts, etc. I'm not very good yet, but one thing that puzzles me, is how can I instruct emacs to follow different identation modes for
parts of the code. Sometimes that code would be in a string.

I'm talking about formatting better my luajit ffi bindings - there you have lua with C mixed.

On 8/12/2011 3:21 AM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:58:53AM +0200, Pierre Chapuis wrote:

    if x: doThings(x)
    else: doThings(y)

I am not sure you can cleanly make this a one liner though.

Python 2.5 and later (don't have the older serpents around):

     doThings(x) if x else doThings(y)

An approach I like to solve the problem and make everybody
happy is the one used by the Go language: whitespace is not
significant but there is a canonical indentation style and
a tool (gofmt) that enforces it.

The style used in PiL is a candidate.

I don't see a reason why this wouldn't work with Lua. It is
probably possible to make a parser that takes valid Lua code
and returns a canonical representation for it.

For example: if you make an entry in LuaWiki that contains in
its source
it would not merely highlight keywords as it does now, but also
do the indents.  It would show up canonically, no matter how it
was typed in. Why not?
