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This is an older question (from Nov 2010), but I think it might not
have been answered satisfyingly back then, and I just had the same
problem and found a simple solution that might be the one the OP was
looking for.

The trick seems to be in the file extension. If you call your script
something.lua and run it by doubleclick, it will crash (on the first
mouse hover event). If you call the script something.wlua (with a w),
it runs fine.

Alternatively, if you invoke the interpreter explicitly, it depends on
whether you run lua.exe or wlua.exe.

I'm not sure why lua.exe pretends to be wx-capable... but then it's
actually not and it just crashes. Shouldn't that be changed? Either
reject wx apps right away... or make them run properly I'd say.

I'd suggest this be improved in the next version... it would
definitely help newbies and, well, lua.exe crashing is a pretty ugly
sight. Don't you agree?

Cheers :)

> the same dll file, and the same script, but my wxlua program crashes when the mouse hover on the *any* window that shows on screen :-(.
> but the script acts great on other guys computer.
> hope anybody knows how this happened...  I use Windows XP and Lua For WIndows 5.1..