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Thanks for the answers.

Josh your LuaLib class you linked seems like exactly what i was looking for except that it seems to be missing the C side coroutine functions.
eg. lua_newthread, lua_resume, lua_yield

Is there a reason for this omission? 
Without coroutines and the niceties you can create for scripters with that interface lua losses a lot of it's appeal.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Josh Simmons <> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Erik Hougaard <> wrote:
> On 26-07-2011 8:48, Josh Simmons wrote:
>> C++/CLI also fails to give cross platform support. For that you have to
>> use old LuaInterface.
> Or you could try to combine KopiLua(Lua rewritten to c#) with LuaInterface..
> /Erik

LuaInterface is a pretty horrific codebase, you'd be better off
working with it directly.

Doing it this way also has its own perks, namely relying on another
Lua implementation that's probably slower and maintained to a lesser