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Doh! I just realized that a unique log file with each session is trivial - I don't need rolling at all! 

My sessions have unique ids! All I have to do is include the session id as part of the filename.

Dave Collins
Front-End Engineer
Mercatus Technologies Inc.
60 Adelaide Street East, Suite 700
Toronto ON M5C 3E4
T  416 603 3406 x 298
F  416 603 1790

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Collins 
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 2:51 PM
To: 'Lua mailing list'
Subject: RE: managing log files

Awesome. Thanks.

Hm. Not quite what I was looking for. It is designed to rollover based on filesize. I wanted it to rollover with each new session.

Ah well. Better than nothing I suppose.

Dave Collins
Front-End Engineer
Mercatus Technologies Inc.
60 Adelaide Street East, Suite 700
Toronto ON M5C 3E4
T  416 603 3406 x 298
F  416 603 1790

From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan Pusztai
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 2:40 PM
To: Lua mailing list
Subject: Re: managing log files

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Dave Collins <> wrote:
> The LuaLogging module [1] has support for this. It is called a "rolling file appender". I really like to use it for logging in general.
> [1]
Alas. It says v1.2.0 is the version where they added rolling file appending, yet the latest downloadable release is 1.1.4 .

Well the docs should be updated to point at the GitHub downloads, so here is the link [1] to the release.
I would just use LuaRocks though, if you can. 
