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Mike Pall wrote:
> Uh oh? That's very strange. What happens if you run some simple
> scripts from the command line? E.g. luajit -e 'print("hello")'

$ luajit-2.0.0-beta6 -e 'print("hello")'
luajit-2.0.0-beta6: (command line):1: attempt to call global 'print' (a
nil value)
stack traceback:
	(command line):1: in main chunk
	[C]: ?


$ luajit-2.0.0-beta6 -e 'o=1'

So it looks like, somehow, it's not loading the standard library. I've
stepped through and luaopen_io() is definitely being called, though...

> Umm, you made a native build? Or a cross-build? The install docs
> in the git repo have detailed instructions for ARM cross-builds.

This is a native build --- the SheevaPlug is running stock Debian.

Incidentally, it's connected to the internet, so if an account would be
useful for debugging, let me know.

> Also ... what message about x64? I don't think there should be any.

The beginning of the build log says:

DYNASM    buildvm_x64.h
DYNASM    buildvm_x64win.h
HOSTCC    buildvm.o
HOSTCC    buildvm_asm.o
HOSTCC    buildvm_peobj.o
HOSTCC    buildvm_lib.o
HOSTCC    buildvm_fold.o
HOSTLINK  buildvm

However, if I manually run buildvm it says it's been compiled for arm,
so it appears to have gotten things right.

> You can still specify -mcpu=... later on (override CCOPT_ARM on
> the make command line). This CPU doesn't have Thumb-2, so better
> use -marm, too.

No change, alas.

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
│ telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
│ how to use my telephone." --- Bjarne Stroustrup

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