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> Good point, at least I can quickly find one disasm for Lua 5.2 - ChunkSpy.
> I guess rolling your own package loader that uses some cryptography is good way to go.

Pah, its all in your head. encrypting this is pretty futile, since you
have to give "the enemy" a decrypter with the product.

And what is "the enemy" actually? A player that wants to hack a god
mode into a game? Its not that it is so difficult to do otherwise,
even on pure assembled C code. Take a look at "CheatEngine" and
various tutorials online how to use it.

Is the "the enemy" the competition? Exactly those sure know how to
call a decompiler, or how to find the decryption code in your C code,
and apply it.

No, if you want byte code support, you need to argue with:
* size on harddisc
* loadding time
* portability with lua tools creating bytecode

Never this encryption "arms race":

Take a look at:

To see Mike Palls hate against the obfustication / deobfustication "arms race".

Kind regards,