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On 27 February 2011 00:22, Daniel Silverstone
<> wrote:
> A similar argument can be applied to pkg-config which admittedly needs libpopt
> and libglib, both of which can be built on a POSIX system.  It seems rather
> silly to say "No, I won't take advantage of something a huge number of
> installed systems already have, because it isn't directly POSIX" especially
> when, as Miles explaned, you can go "Try with pkg-config, oh noes, no
> pkg-config -> try without"

Whereas that is exactly what I am doing. It is, arguably, silly, but
it makes the development strategy simpler. (The choice of Lua as a
language breaks this rule, but Lua at least has no non-POSIX

I could indeed try with pkg-config, but that complicates the autoconf
code. If pkg-config support were built into autoconf, then that would
make sense, but I don't think it's worth doing just for one
POSIX-focused package. (If I were developing for some more constrained
platform, say, GNU or GNOME, then that would make more sense.)
